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Bite & Sting Relief Cream, product, thumbnail for image variation 1

Product Information

Bite & Sting Relief is an itch relief and soothing cream for symptoms associated with various insect bites,stings and stinging nettles.It contains a patented natural active ingredient CEM-K(Ecklonia maxima kelp) which is clinically proven to soothe inflamed skin and act as an anti-pruritic.It is a topical antihistamine which rapidly relieve itching and soothes the affected area.
  • Natural active ingredient
  • Fast acting
  • Citronella added as repellent

Bite & Sting Relief Cream

Bite & Sting Relief is an itch relief and soothing cream for symptoms associated with various insect bites,stings and stinging nettles.It contains a patented natural active ingredient CEM-K(Ecklonia maxima kelp) which is clinically proven to soothe inflamed skin and act as an anti-pruritic.It is a topical antihistamine which rapidly relieve itching and soothes the affected area.
  • Natural active ingredient
  • Fast acting
  • Citronella added as repellent

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