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Cobb Premier Fenced Roast Rack, product, thumbnail for image variation 1
Cobb Premier Fenced Roast Rack, product, thumbnail for image variation 2
Cobb Premier Fenced Roast Rack, product, thumbnail for image variation 3
Cobb Premier Fenced Roast Rack, product, thumbnail for image variation 4

Product Information

The Cobb Premier Fenced Roast Rack fits above the standard Cobb Grilling Surface and it eliminates having to flip the meat constantly. It minimises the risks of searing and allows heat to circulate around the meat for a perfectly cooked slow roast.
  • Easy on-the-grill roasting

Cobb Premier Fenced Roast Rack

The Cobb Premier Fenced Roast Rack fits above the standard Cobb Grilling Surface and it eliminates having to flip the meat constantly. It minimises the risks of searing and allows heat to circulate around the meat for a perfectly cooked slow roast.
  • Easy on-the-grill roasting

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